Together on the Piste: Skiing Safely in a Group

14/06/2021 - SnowTrex

Skiing in a group is a great experience. But if you go on the piste with others, you can’t just set off: From choosing the route to taking a break together – skiing in a group requires mutual consideration and patience and therefore needs to be well planned. SnowTrex shows how skiing in a group can be safe and fun with a little preparation.

Skiing in a group requires consideration and needs to be well coordinated.

A diverse group needs to be well planned

Anyone going on a skiing holiday with a group should be aware that skiing together requires a lot of patience and consideration. Everyone will also have to make compromises now and then. After all, it’s all about having fun together in the group.

That’s exactly why it’s important to come to an agreement before the skiing holiday. What do the others want? What goals have they set for themselves? What activities are to be undertaken off the piste? The clearer the ideas, the better the planning.

This way, you can avoid the group first realising on the slopes or on holiday that everyone actually wants something else.

It is important to talk in advance about the different skill levels and preferences in the group.

Balancing different levels

A mixed group makes skiing fun, but also brings together many different levels of skiers. It is obviously not recommended to ski with beginners on black pistes in this case.

Instead, those travelling in a group always adapt to the least skilled. This way, no one takes unnecessary risks and no one is endangered. This already starts with the selection of the route: if the group consists of advanced beginners and experts, for example, the medium-difficulty red slopes are best suited. This doesn’t have to be boring for advanced skiers either if they use the slopes to improve their skiing technique. It is also possible to help the more inexperienced in the group, so that at the end of the ski holiday, it may even be possible to ski together on a black piste.

The level should be adapted to the group member with the least experience.

If the levels are too different, it is better to split the group so that beginners and advanced riders ride on different routes. This does not have to diminish the group experience if the group still comes together for lunch, for example. Another possibility is that the advanced riders ride the first descents together with the beginners, for example, before the group splits up.

Compromising on different preferences

Even if everyone in the group has the same skill level, there can still be different preferences. While some in the group prefer off-piste skiing, others prefer to practise their short turns on the moguls. Here, it is important to agree beforehand and possibly alternate the routes, depending on preferences, so that everyone gets their money’s worth. It is also important to consider the size of the group when choosing a route. If you are travelling with many others, it is better to avoid the most crowded slopes. If you notice that the group is too big and hinders other skiers, it is better to split up.

If the group is going into deep snow, it often makes sense to divide the group for the descent.

Skiing with children

If adults are travelling with children, there are various options available. Of course, the whole family can travel together, if this is possible. It is important to keep an eye on the children at all times. Also, children should not be left alone in the lift.

Anyone travelling with children should therefore calmly explain the rules to them in advance and ensure that they understand and can implement them.

Some ski areas also offer special lessons or tours for children, or even a children’s land. This way, the little ones are safe with a ski instructor or can romp around with the other children, while adults can ski independently. Another option is for one adult to ski with the children while the rest of the group skis on other slopes. This is a good way to take turns every day.

Attending ski lessons is advisable for children.

Skiing behaviour in the group

If you ski in a group, you must also adapt your skiing behaviour accordingly. This includes showing consideration for other skiers, but also for the members of your own group.

As a rule, the same applies here: The least able skier sets the pace! Because when the more experienced skiers pick up the pace, the others naturally don’t follow. This is frustrating, creates a bad mood in the group and you can quickly get lost. In addition, you risk reckless skiing by the inexperienced skiers. Those riding in front should therefore always bear in mind to wait for slower riders in between. Please be sure to stop at the edge of the piste to avoid endangering yourself and others.

When the other riders arrive, don’t continue straight away – allow them a short break as well. Of course, this should not happen where the pistes are particularly narrow, so as not to obstruct anyone. Therefore, it can be helpful to take a closer look at the piste maps the evening before or before departure and determine the waiting points that are best suited for a short breather.

The inexperienced winter sports fans should set the pace in the group.

It is recommended that all riders in the group have a map of the piste, a map and a mobile phone that is both charged and has sufficient credit to communicate in an emergency. In addition, several meeting points with times should be fixed in advance. If someone does get lost, each rider knows where to find the others again.

In addition, you can agree on times for both the lunch break and the last departure of the day before you set off. This is easier than trying to agree on them during the journey and also provides fixed meeting points in case you do get lost.

Avoid chaos at the lift

Not only does skiing on the piste need to be well planned in the group, but also queuing at the ski lift. Otherwise, the whole group may be hindered. The more disorganised the group is at the lift, the longer the queue will take.

Orderly queuing at the lift as a group prevents long waiting times.

A short agreement before queuing saves time and makes the wait more pleasant for everyone. For example, the group can agree on a queuing order: If this corresponds to the ability – the fast skiers first – you are already ready for the descent in the right order at the top. This makes the descent easier for the group and for other skiers.

If queuing at the lifts is done in rows of two, it makes sense to discuss this briefly beforehand: Who will queue with whom and in which order? The more often you do this, the smoother the queuing will be and you won’t disturb other winter sports fans, even in large groups. Here, for example, advanced skiers can wait with beginners to help with any uncertainties.

Skiing in a group requires a little more planning than if you are travelling alone or in pairs. However, if you are well prepared, agreeable, considerate and patient, you can also have a lot of fun on a skiing holiday together in a group.

FAQs about skiing in a group

What is the best way to prepare for a group skiing holiday?

If you are going on a ski holiday with a larger group, you should discuss your ideas and wishes before the holiday. On the one hand, this makes it easier to plan the holiday together and, on the other, to avoid disappointments or friction on the spot.

How do you find a suitable route with different levels of ability?

The more inexperienced skiers dictate the choice of routes. For better skiers, this may mean that they are on easier routes than they are used to. They can use this, for example, to work on their skiing technique. If the levels are too different, it may make more sense to split the groups.

What should you keep in mind when skiing with children in a group?

Anyone travelling with children should patiently explain the rules to them beforehand and make sure they have understood everything. When riding on the slopes or in the ski lift, children should never be left alone.

How do you queue at the lift as a group?

To avoid chaos and save time, it is advisable to think about a queuing order as a group beforehand. For example, the fastest riders who leave first at the top can queue first – or last to catch up with the slower riders. If the queuing is done in rows of two, you can also save time by agreeing on this in advance and thus not disturbing the other skiers.

  • Monday, 14. June 2021
  • Author: SnowTrex
  • Category: Safe Skiing
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