Holidays & Winter Sports
Excursion destinations in the Zillertal: 8 highlights away from the pistes

The Zillertal, known for its fantastic ski slopes, also harbours true treasures for adventure-seekers away from the ...

Ski Areas
6 popular ski regions in the Alps

If you fancy endless kilometres of pistes and lots of variety on the slopes, you should spend your skiing holiday in ...

Ski Areas
Destinations for skiing in spring and at Easter

Lots of snow, sunshine, good visibility, not too cold: skiing in spring or at Easter is usually a real pleasure. ...

Top 10
Destinations for the Turn of the Year – Ski Holidays over New Year’s Eve

Snow-covered mountains, skiing, the flair of mountain huts and a big fireworks display. New Year’s Eve in the ...

Ski Areas
18 popular destinations for ski holidays over Christmas

Who doesn’t dream of a white Christmas? SnowTrex has selected some of the snowiest destinations for your ski ...

Top 10
The 10 Most Beautiful Regions for Winter Hiking in the Alps

On a winter holiday, you don’t always have to ski or snowboard to enjoy and explore the snow-covered ...

Top 10
The 11 Best Ski Areas for Snowboarders in the Alps

Wide, long pistes, few towpaths, no drag lifts – snowboarders feel especially comfortable in ski areas where ...

Top 10
10 good reasons for skiing in Zillertal

Winter sports enthusiasts who have booked or are planning a ski holiday in Zillertal have definitely done everything ...
